A Gold Dress and Golden Opportunities




It’s been a while since I’ve last spoken to you all and kept you updated on what’s been going on in my life so I’m going to take this post to cover just that. I can’t say that too much has changed but there are a couple things worth mentioning.

In late July I started my first job working as a cashier working at a local pizza place. I loved it when I first started working and I’m still loving it now. I’ve always been the kind of girl who preferred to be doing work over sitting at home doing nothing productive (although I’ve admittedly slept in till noon all this thanksgiving break; been a while since I’ve been able to do so). Through the time I’ve been working I’ve become really close friends with all of the other teenagers that work there and it can be a lot of fun since my job has a pretty laid back attitude about it.Another positive side is that most nights I do pretty well in tips on top of my usual pay. The only true downside to my job would be cleaning the bathrooms, you won’t believe some of the horror stories I’ve experienced trying to get those stalls looking nice. Don’t worry though, I’ll spare you some of those stories so I won’t strip you of your goodnight’s sleep. All in all though, it has been an amazing experience and I wouldn’t give that or the people I’ve met up for anything.

School wise not much has changed. I’m still taking honors and AP classes as well as my usual show choir class. I will say that some of my AP classes have been obstacles at times but none have been a greater obstacle than taking on a leadership position in show choir. I’ll just leave it at it’s hard being at the top no matter what method of leadership you use because it’ll never agree with everyone. I’ve had a hard time accepting that because I like to make sure that everyone is happy but I’ve come to find that that won’t always be the case. I still love the class, don’t get me wrong. I can never give up singing and dancing no matter how hard it gets, it’s just something that truly appeals to me and makes me happy. It’s hard to tell me that you would pass up the ability to perform to an 80’s hits medley if you were given the chance.

I’m going to stop rambling about my personal life now and tell you a bit about my homecoming outfit because it’s too good to not tell. I found everything I needed (really just the shoes and the dress) in one shopping day. My mom pulled out this gold dress out of the clearance section at Charlotte Russe and we both pretty much died instantly at the sight of the dress. We had multiple options in our head already but we decided to get the dress anyways because it said it was only $15, I wasn’t about to leave it for that price. When we went to check out the lady had told us it was marked down further to $5.90! I’m sorry but this was basically a steal! Our next priority then became searching for shoes in which we found a nice pair of gold heals at the JCPenny clearance section for $15. What I’m basically saying is yes, I did get a dress and shoes for homecoming for less than $25. I’m not gonna lie, I was a happy girl that day. Not only did I save a lot of money, but I felt like I was walking down the red carpet everywhere I went while at homecoming (it was far from the red carpet, it was more like a sweaty gym but you get where I’m coming from). In all I had an amazing night of just dancing and singing “Wrecking Ball” at the top of my lungs with my friends and ending the night with a sleepover that consisted of watching Legally Blonde and Clueless. Definitely a night to remember, now I just gotta wait for Prom to come around!


Teen Fashion Blog: Celebrating Wolves

teen fashion cropped top high waisted pants cardigansandnecklaces.com

teen fashion cropped top high waisted pants cardigansandnecklaces.com

teen fashion cropped top high waisted pants cardigansandnecklaces.com

I am pretty excited to say that this week will definitely be an eventful, but good week. Today is the two year anniversary since Cardigans and Necklaces was officially created. I’m ready to begin adding a second year worth of content to the blog! Another year of creating pretty outfits sounds pretty great if you ask me!

Another thing I’m pretty siked about is starting a brand new semester of school tomorrow. Last year I had an accelerated pre-calculus block class that I was not very fond of, but this semester I won’t have it any longer! I’m ready to meet new teachers and make new friends in my classes. This semester I will be taking a block physics class and a block Spanish 3. I’m not big on physics since it’s a mix between math and science (not my favorite subjects), but I’m ready to give it my best.

For those of you who don’t personally know me, I am probably the biggest Teen Wolf geek there is around. I mean, who else would binge watch all five seasons of the show in four days or learn all of the ages and heights of the actors in the show? Okay, I may have quite a bit of an addiction for the show going… but I promise you I’m not crazy (that’s a lie, I’m pretty crazy). All I can say is that a girl needs her fix of super attractive mythical creatures with crazy cool butt kicking abilities. Tomorrow season 5b of Teen Wolf starts and let’s just say that I may have cried a few tears of excitement this morning, #FanGirlAlert.

Speaking of my quirkiness, we all have learned from the past that I can be quite the mixaholic. A Mixaholic is a person who loves to mix and match different patterns and colors together quite a lot to the point where loved ones worry for the person’s well being and wonder if they will ever give up this addiction. Well for you loved ones, the answer is a big no, I will forever play around with patterns. The outfit above is a perfect example of my mixaholia (that might not be a word). A floral purple crop top with a grey and blue striped cardigan is quite a pattern mix but it definitely works. Since I’m not big with exposing too much skin, I always try to pair up crop tops with high waisted bottoms (in this case a high waisted blush pink pant). Since I already had so much going on in the top I kept the shoes and pants a light neutral color. The buttons in the pants were a rose gold color so I made sure to tie in rose gold earrings. Other than that, the outfit required little jewelry and looked pretty great. Remember young grasshoppers, sometimes less is more.

Top 5 DIY Politically Incorrect Halloween Costumes


I guess I should start by saying that if you are the kind of person that gets easily offended this post is NOT for you and you should NOT read this post.

Before you leave your comments know that I’m a lover. I love everybody independent of race, religion, nationality or sexual orientation. This is an artistic and creative way of expressing my beliefs to criticize other people’s intolerant and judgmental views. Peace!

Anyway, I was thinking that we are almost in September and for many people this is usually the time that they start looking for costumes if they are ordering online. I am a worrier, so if I’m going to order something online I try to do it with plenty of anticipation so I can sleep at night without worrying that it will not get here on time. The do-it-yourselfers also start looking for ideas with plenty of anticipation as they have to buy materials, build, glue, sew, paint, etc, etc. FUN! In my opinion the DIY are always the best costumes.

Last year Miley Cyrus and her wrecking ball video inspired a ton of costumes so I started wondering about this year’s costumes. I have no idea what will inspire people this year, but based on recent events these are my top 5 do-it-yourself and  totally mean and politically incorrect costumes. I can guarantee you will be the talk of the town. They are all fairly easy to create but the question remains: would you wear them? I can tell you I would not. It is kind of embarrassing to even think that I could come up with some of these twisted ideas.

#5 Basic White Girl

Did I say stereotype? Tease your hair, rub your hands on your eyes to smear your mascara and voilà. Basic white girl frazzled because her Starbucks cup is empty.

Basic White Girl politically incorrect  halloween costumes

#4 Asian Hot Dog Eating Contest Champion

Totally stereotypical! Use a box as a tray if you don’t have a real tray at home. This costume should cost you almost no money to create.

Asian Hot Dog Eating Contest Champion politically incorrect  halloween costumes

#3 Solange Knowles in an Elevator

Almost like Jason in Friday the 13th or Michael Myers in Halloween. Scary! You can do an elevator fascinator or make and wear an elevator out of a cardboard box.

Solange Knowles in an Elevator politically incorrect  halloween costumes

#2 Russian Bigot at the Sochi Olympics

It has to be very scary to be gay and have to walk among these haters. Note: I said bigot, not all Russians! 🙂 Russian hat with a gay pride pin or sash. Skinny jeans and boots and a Sochi Olympics t-shirt. You can also do your own t-shirt with a plain white t-shirt.

Russian bigot at the Sochi Olympics politically incorrect  halloween costumes

#1 Ebola Virus

Need I say more? It doesn’t get any scarier than that. You can get some of your friends together and say that you are the Ebola outbreak. These Tyvek suits and masks are not that expensive. Buy a couple of Sharpies and draw the virus on them.

Ebola virus politically incorrect  halloween costumes

There you have it! What do you think? Would you wear one of these?


Back to School Geek Style: The Walking Dead

MissMotleys, sacchetto, NovelCreations, BucktoothedBunny

MissMotleys, sacchetto, NovelCreations, BucktoothedBunny

A show that has a lot of people raving about it is The Walking Dead. The show has more followers than I ever thought it would get considering it is after all a cliché end of the world show. I will give it to them, it is one of my favorite shows of all time. If I miss a show, then a fit is thrown! I’ve watched it since it came out and I’ve seen every single episode (more than once). Every time a Walking Dead marathon comes on, I’m on top of it with a bowl of popcorn in my hand and my undivided attention. I will say that I love The Walking Dead more than Doctor Who, you can’t go wrong with zombies. If you give a me a really good show/movie with zombies in it, then I am hooked and watching it.

This show doesn’t need very much explaining since it’s taking place during the zombie apocalypse. Pretty much the whole time all they’re trying to do is survive from both the dead and the living. There is always lots of drama and action in this series which makes for a really entertaining hour. There have been many times where I would be watching and then suddenly, boom! Something super epic happens and it leaves me in shock for the rest of the night. I really recommend this show unless you’re not good with gruesome things or scared of zombies, because then you’ll have nightmares. It’s actually really odd for me to love this show so much because I don’t take the sight of blood well, I always feel dizzy when I see it. I have actually fainted at the sight of blood in the past (but that is another story). When it comes to The Walking Dead I don’t mind it at all and sort of like seeing the blood everywhere, adds to the action.

My favorite character in this show and my favorite character of all time is Daryl Dixon. He’s a butt kicking redneck that has confidence and bravery, yet still has the sweetest and softest side to him. I’ve stuck by Daryl since the beginning but as episodes went on, I started to fall in love with him. When I tell you that Norman Reedus is my celebrity crush, I truly mean it. He’s just so amazing and if he ever dies it will be the end of my heart. I swear that if they kill Daryl I will revolt, start a riot, and stop watching the show. Well maybe I won’t stop watching, but I won’t enjoy it without him. I’m not ever going to be emotionally prepared if they do decide to kill him. I will be a sobbing mess and it will not be pretty. Plus, that will ruin my whole year because they decided to kill my favorite character of all time and I will never forgive the writers of The Walking Dead. Fangirling much!!!!?

wildwestjewelryshop, SpoonChick, MauveMagpie, wholesalejewelrysale,TheGeekStop, ICEMILWAUKEE, TheZombieShoppe, CreationsbyAccident

wildwestjewelryshop, SpoonChick, MauveMagpie, wholesalejewelrysale,TheGeekStop, ICEMILWAUKEE, TheZombieShoppe, CreationsbyAccident

ScavengedVintage, Studio867, EmbellishedWhimsy, figure8lasers, sacerandsavive

ScavengedVintage, Studio867, EmbellishedWhimsy, figure8lasers, sacerandsavive

I’ve added some Walking Dead bags, clothes, jewelry, and cases for those of you who feel like zombies when walking into school (do you see what I did there?). I have to admit that finding zombie pieces that are wearable and stylish was really difficult. As you can imagine a zombie theme does not scream style but I did manage to find some that I would totally wear and style in a chic way. Like I’ve mentioned before, the key to wearing your favorite geeky clothing and looking stylish at the same time is moderation. Walking in with Walking Dead everything is not going to look all that great and it may seem a bit weird for others. If I had to choose something from all of this merchandise, it would be the Team Daryl T-shirt. Looks like Edward and Jacob are going to have to move aside, there’s a new team in town and he’s locked and loaded.

Make sure to leave comments on your favorite fandoms and what you personally fangirl about. It can be about any book, show, or movie. Let your true geek colors show and write it down. I enjoy reading all of your comments and I’ll make sure to comment back.

Most of the items selected are from etsy which is a super awesome source to find weird and unique items that not everybody is going to already own. Give some love to the etsy featured stores below.


















Back to School Geek Style: Doctor Who

TheCityGirls, FeerieDoll, bellalise,ConsultingFanGeeks, clpstudio

TheCityGirls, FeerieDoll, bellalise, ConsultingFanGeeks, clpstudio

Today I’ve decided to write a post for the geek and nerd in some of us. The first thing I want to talk about is the word fandoms. If you’re a nerd like me, you belong in some sort of fandom (or many fandoms). To belong to a fandom means you have to be a hardcore fan, you love something so much you freak out. This freak out is common among girls, it’s called fangirling. The first time I heard fangirling was when this girl in my class was telling me how she fangirls about One Direction and started freaking out and lecturing me about each of the boys. I’m not a One Directioner so I didn’t see what the big hype was about and I thought fangirling was pretty stupid. Then it hit me! Shows such as Doctor Who and The Walking Dead knocked at my door. Books like The Hunger Games and The Fault in our Stars started breaking down my windows! I had come down with the fangirling disease . Once you become a fangirl you can never go back, you become part of a fandom and there is no escaping. I became a fangirl a long time ago and I belong to more fandoms than all of my fingers and toes put together. Some of the main fandoms I belong to are: The Walking Dead, Doctor Who, Reign, Hunger Games, Disney, and The Fault in our Stars.

The fandom I’m going to talk about today is Doctor Who. This is one of my main fandoms where I shriek at the mention of The Doctor. I’m pretty lucky to have my whovian friends because I would not be able to rant about each individual show to people who don’t watch the show. Today I started looking for when season 8 of Doctor Who is coming out, and sure enough it’s coming out August 23 on the BBC channel. I have no words to describe how excited I was when I read about how soon season 8 is. I’m excited to see how the 12th doctor (played by Peter Capaldi) is going to do. Clara remains the companion for this season. Also I heard of rumors about the Doctor’s worse enemy, the Master, making a comeback in this season.

Doctor Who is a really famous British show on the BBC Channel. If you like Doctor Who then you also might be interested in the show Sherlock and Supernatural. If you’re someone who loves these shows, then you belong to the superwholock fandom. Doctor Who is actually an alien. He mentions often in the show that he has two hearts. He is the last surviving Time Lord from Gallifrey. Gallifrey and all other time lords were destroyed in the Great Time war against the Daleks. Daleks are another one of the doctor’s main enemies, and their mission is to take over the universe and exterminate the doctor. Some other aliens that come up a lot are the Cyberman, Sontarans, and scariest of all the Weeping Angels. All of the shows the Weeping Angels come up in have me at the edge of my seat but they are indeed my favorite alien. The only way to make sure you don’t get caught by a Weeping Angel is by looking at it the whole time and no blinking. If you blink the angel takes its true form and attacks you. The way it kills you is by sending you back in time and has you live your life to death. To me that’s the best death someone could go through because you still get to live your full life, just in a different time period. If I was caught by a weeping angel, I would want to be sent back to the Renaissance time period because that sounded like a really fun and interesting time period. There were so many geniuses of music, art, and literature in this time period. On the way to my school we pass a cemetery that has a few angel statues. Every time my bus passes by the cemetery I turn to my friend and whisper don’t blink in her ear. My friend nearly had a heart attack the first few times I did it. 🙂

The Doctor often gathers companions to travel with him in the Tardis (phone booth) and to help him keep balance in all the universe. My favorite companions have been Amy and Rory so far because they go along with the doctor really well. Plus Amy and Rory were the cutest couple ever! I hear about how Disney gives girls an untrue picture of men, but Rory is just amazing! Pretty sure Doctor Who has Disney beat!

Geekcetera, StylishGeek

Geekcetera, StylishGeek

keepWEARME, ghjiuynbma, kaieldesigns, JeweLust, AlliMidoriCrafts, chasingatstarligh, MardiganEnterprises, TheTrendyGeek, oneeyedfox, TimeMachineJewelry, PandemoniumTreasures, StoneByAllison

keepWEARME, ghjiuynbma, kaieldesigns, JeweLust, AlliMidoriCrafts, chasingatstarligh, MardiganEnterprises,  TheTrendyGeek, oneeyedfox, TimeMachineJewelry, PandemoniumTreasures, StoneByAllison

StarworksDesign, princessnightmare, ItsABowThing12, TimeMachineJewelry,

StarworksDesign, princessnightmare, ItsABowThing12, TimeMachineJewelry,

cottonlicious, Chinacase, SilentCicada, Giftcase, TheThreeLimes, TheCityGirls

cottonlicious, Chinacase, SilentCicada, Giftcase, TheThreeLimes, TheCityGirls

Above I have a bunch of Doctor Who merchandise that will bring out your inner geek when going back to school. The reason I chose these certain items is because they are stylish and great pieces that you can do a lot with. The key with these things is moderation! Wear one item at a time because wearing all Doctor Who items won’t look all that good. I made sure to include all sort of things that anybody needs when going back to school. There are clothes, jewelry, pens/pencils, cases, book bags, and water bottles. I will admit I saw these different items and died a little inside.

Now that you all know what the fangirling is and what fandoms are, I want you think of what geeky fandoms you may be involved in. Make sure to leave comments about any fandoms you may be in. I would love to find out what type of fandoms you are all involved in. Maybe I’m in them as well.

Featured etsy stores:





























I’ve Got Your Back… Pack: Patriotic Sentiments


So I’ve done some back to school shopping lately and I’ve noticed that they have put out a lot of clothing, shoes, and accessories that has the american flag on it. I’ve seen many times before some clothes that had american flags on them at stores but now it seems like everywhere I go, it is the ideal choice. Every time my family sees the american flag we shout “Merica!” just for fun (you have to imagine it with a red neck enunciation!). I don’t mind the style at all, I actually think it’s really cute! I even own a shirt with the American flag on it. I bought it for fourth of July but it’s so cute that I wear it any other day of the year.

I decided that today’s post was going to be about backpacks with the american flag on it because I want it to show you that you can do the american flag in a stylish way. Flag apparel does not necessarily have to be tacky, as with pretty much everything moderation is key. I found many cute styles from all sort of stores, price ranges, and designers. I’ve found many bags from designers such as Ralph Lauren and Marc Jacobs. I made sure to use all sort of backpack shapes so that you guys can get a taste of the style with each shape. I must admit that the American flag will look pretty good on one’s back.

What do you think? Could these be a trend?

I’ve Got your Back…Pack: 2014 Back to School Backpacks


Just a few days ago I was watching TV and all of a sudden a demonic commercial came up. Tales of kids going back to school! I had to cover my ears it was so scary! Kids around the world are crawling up into little balls in hope that the summer is not yet over. It almost feels as if we just started our summer break and they have decided to start recruiting us back to that child jail! I’m definitely not ready to go back to school. I got used to sleeping in and doing nothing. I remember at the beginning of the summer I couldn’t wait to go back to school because I had already missed all my friends. I was getting a little antsy since I didn’t really have anything to keep me busy. What I am looking forward to is being able to meet new people and make new friends. I’m also excited to start show choir this year! I’m not looking forward to all the homework I’m going to end up with every night!

The only thing that cheers me up when I hear back to school is the shopping. I like being able to get new outfits that I can wear to school because it’s a lot of fun to style them. One of my favorite parts of shopping is looking for the backpack. I get backpacks based on size, look, and quality! I like a backpack that can hold a lot of things and won’t break, makes it a lot easier on me. Looking for a backpack is different for me because with clothes you wear something different every day. Backpacks you usually wear every day to school so you want something really cute that will last you.

I went online book bag shopping and decided to share my discoveries with you! I found a lot of cute bags all at different prices. Since everyone has their own price range, I decided to separate the book bags by price. I went through a lot of online stores looking for book bags and looking for all price ranges. I found a lot of different book bags that all look very nice! I also divided each price category for different styles. There is casual, sporty, black staple, elegant, whimsical, and stripes.


c600x441 (1)

The first category we have is the $0-$25 price range. Just because you may be on a budget doesn’t mean that you still can’t get a nice looking bag. I have actually found multiple book bags that are super cute within this price range. Here’s a tip for those who have a budget: sale and clearance shopping is key! Just because it’s on sale doesn’t mean it will be any less cuter than some of the other things on display.


The next category is the $25.01-$50 price range. Since it’s a higher price range, you will get better quality bags and a lot of nice designs. This category was one of the easiest to find book bags for. For this price range hitting great sales can help you a lot as well.


This continuing category is the $50.01-75 price range. When I started looking through this category I started to get amazed with how cute some of these bags are!


Next category is from the $75.01-$100 price range. This category has one of my favorite back packs. I fell in love with the one that’s all white and has a cute black bow on it. It’s from Macy’s for $80.99.


The second to last category is the $100.01-$250 price range. There are so many cute book bags in this category! They all look designer…well maybe because they are.


The very last category is the $250.01 and up price range. I know what you’re thinking, isn’t a little absurd to spend hundred of dollars on a book bag? Well, some people can afford thousand dollar book bags, and for those people I made this category. But I will say that these book bags are super cute and I love each and every one of them!

For more ideas on bags, make sure to look below!






AFI Top 100 Movies #6: Singing in the Rain, the Triple Threat


Me as Kathy

Me as Kathy

Today my family and I decided to get back in the swing of things and continue watching movies from the top 1oo list.  The next movie we all decided to watch was Singing in the Rain. I remember watching this movie a few times in my 8th grade chorus class but we never got to finish it. It was always fun watching it with some of the boys in that class because they would certain comments like “you see these moves” or “that leg work though” while they were dancing and for some reason it would always put a smile on my face. I also remember how every time I watched that movie a good friend of mine would copy my face when I saw Cosmo Brown’s eyes. I have to admit that I always did swoon at the sight of his eyes and guess my friend found it funny enough where he had to reenact my body language and the little shriek I made the first time I saw them. I guess I’m just a sucker for blue eyes that look like a tropical ocean! Look at this dudes eyes! I mean am I wrong?!

Screen-Shot-2014-03-04-at-9.37.15-PM (1)

I really enjoyed this movie, definitely my favorite of the top 100 that I’ve watched so far. But of course I am a musical girl so add singing and to me the movie is ten times better. I can’t tell you enough how many times I’ve watched this movie and just laughed. It’s not supposed to be a comedy but there were so many scenes that had me laughing and smiling. One of the characters that really made me laugh was Lena, Cosmo said that she was a triple threat because she couldn’t sing, dance, or act. When Lena Lamont would talk for the first time in the movie I just laugh, and when she practices her diction and says “I can’t stand em”, I try and imitate her voice. Tips on how to sound like Lena Lamont:

1. Get a sinus infection or hold your nose to where you sound nasally

2. Pronounce as many words as you can wrong (Ex. them- em  sue-syou)

3.Complain about everything

4. Say Don in almost every sentence and now you’re talking like a conceited and annoying celebrity

What I loved about this movie is how they always came across all these problems (which were all due to Lena) and they always seemed to have a plan for it, but they thought of the plan together. They seemed to stop at nothing to make sure that everything that needed to be fixed was fixed. I also loved the strong relationships between the characters. Don and Cosmo were best friends since they were children and you can see their strong bond as they grow up. Also Kathy’ s relationship with Don became more trusting as the movie went on, which isn’t really that hard seeing how the first time they met she thought that Don was a famous gangster.


As I watched the movie I kept looking at the 20’s fashion and I just loved all the different dresses and outfits. I just wish I had some of those dresses 3 months ago when I had to dress as a flapper for my spring chorus concert. One of my favorite outfits was this white silk dress worn by this mystery woman when Don was going through some ideas in his head. I thought it was really pretty and I just loved the shine coming from the silver rhinestones.


The next outfit I absolutely loved was Lena Lamonts’s grey dress that she wore in the end. It had a lot of fluff on the bottom and crystal embellishments in the top and to me it was just gorgeous. I also loved that it was a high-low which made it pretty unique for a twenties dress.


During one of the songs in the beginning they had shown a bunch of different outfits with different uses and there was this one plaid and yellow and plaid dress with a matching blazer to go over and the long pearls. I loved the hat that goes a long with the outfit so well! I just think that she looks so elegant and pretty!


Another dress that was in the same song as the one above was the one that Kathy and the other girls wore while they were dancing. They wore these purple dresses that had a shiny material underneath and a sheer cover up over the top which looked really cute. I also loved how good the shoes looked with the outfit. Definitely could have worn something like that to my spring concert.


When Kathy was recording a song for the Dancing Cavalier she wore this green dress that had this leaf like print. I loved how it went all the way to the neck and how the sleeves had little leaves sticking out. I also liked the way that the top and bottom connected and then had two green triangles on opposite sides. Totally something I would have worn in the twenties.


Another one of my favorite outfits in the movie was the dress that Kathy wore while singing Good Morning with Don and Cosmo. I just loved how the dress had a lightning bolt shape of white at the top separating the blue. I also loved how the skirt was folded. Now the shoes are just super adorable with the little bows! Totally something I would have wore! I think this dress would have also been great for my spring concert. Wish I could have worn something like this because with all the dancing Kathy did in it I know it was comfortable to Charleston to.


AFI Top 100 Movies #5: Unforgiven, A Gun Fighter’s Internal Struggle



A few days ago my mom had me continue my cultural journey by watching another movie that was on the list. The next movie we watched was Unforgiven. My dad was telling me about how Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman starred in it. The minute I heard the name Morgan Freeman I was all ears. My school seems to be really obsessed with Morgan Freeman because of his voice. A lot of my friends tell me that if they had someone to narrate their life then it would be Morgan Freeman. That makes sense!

The movie goes back to the Old West. Cowboys and gun fighters roam the towns on horseback with guns in their holsters and saloons are THE place to hang out. Will Munny (Clint Eastwood) is approached by the Schofield Kid because the kid wants Will to help him kill a guy who cut up a prostitute. There was a thousand dollars reward offered by the prostitutes so he figured that with Will’s help they would be able to collect. The kid goes to Will because he has a past of killing people for money. He finds a man that “changed” his ways for his now deceased wife. In the end Will decides to go through with it because he needs the money to help raise his kids. Will had always had a partner (Ned-Morgan Freeman) when he did his killings/jobs, so he brings him along and decides to split the money three ways. The whole movie is these three men going around looking for the two guys who cut the girl up without being caught by Little Bill, the town sheriff.  No guns are allowed in Big Whiskey (town) and this is a law that Little Bill is going to enforce even if he has to kill a couple of people in the process. That guy was an idiot, I mean what cowboy isn’t going to bring a gun wherever he goes? I guess that my takeaway was the question: can a bad man really change his ways?

All through out the movie the kid, Ned, and some of the prostitutes offer Will liquor but he turns it down. He gave up drinking a long time ago because his wife wanted him to give it up as well as his bad guy past. Near the end he finds out that his best friend Ned was killed by little Bill even though Ned backed out of killing anybody. When he finds out Ned is dead he goes into town to seek revenge. When he first rides into town he drinks a bottle of whiskey and when it’s empty he throws it on the ground. This shows how some events touch a person so much that it causes them to lose sense of what is right and wrong although in my opinion he lost sense of right and wrong at the beginning of the movie when he decided to take the law into his own hands. In the movie one of the prostitutes offers him a “free one” and he turns it down because he still has loyalty to his wife. I find it cute that even though his wife was dead he still wanted to remain faithful to her, no matter what. The man had some deeply rooted convictions for some things and no moral for others. Yikes! I think that the movie is called Unforgiven because even though he acts cool about killing people, at the end of the day he really can’t forgive himself for the bad things he has done. I don’t think that there can’t be anything worst than a person’s internal guilt because conscience can be harsher than any judge out there.

I did enjoy the movie because the effects weren’t bad and the story was interesting. There was some action but for a western movie I kind of wish there was a little bit more. I also feel like the story didn’t concentrate enough on Will, Ned, and the kid but a bit more on Little Bill and his past than they needed to. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they included some of his violent history but I wish they didn’t include so much. I do recommend people to watch this movie because it was a decent movie and I enjoyed putting myself into some of the characters shoes.

One of the funniest moments in the movie was when Little Bill kept calling the book about English Bob the Duke of Death the Duck of Death, the writer who showed him the book kept trying to explain to him that it said Duke but Little Bill would just ignore his little comment.

AFI Top 100 Movies #4: Shawshank Redemption, Redemption of Innocence


Me as the girl on the poster

Me as the girl on the poster

Shawshank Redemption was another movie that was on the list and I got pretty excited about it. I heard that it was a story looking at the perspective of these men that are in prison. I already knew from the beginning the movie was going to include that famous jail break where they would take a sharp object and slowly build themselves a tunnel to get through. In the movie he used a small rock hammer but I thought it was going to be a fork. I know, breaking down a cement wall with a fork is absurd.

I did enjoy Shawshank Redemption, it was a pretty interesting concept and the whole time I was debating about whether or not Andy killed his wife or not. I mostly stuck to him not killing his wife. I enjoyed how we got to see Andy grow with the other men in jail and gain their trust. It was a slow process for Andy but he eventually grew to gain a friendship with those men and especially Ellis. I also found how interesting it was that in the beginning they had the jail men make a bet on which new men would break first. Ellis thought Andy would be the first one to break down crying but Andy stayed brave and held his composure. There was a theme in this, that there is more to a person that meets the eye. You may never expect it out of them but those are some of the best surprises. There was also a lot of symbolism in the movie. The small rock hammer resembled how just a little bit of hope and keeping the faith will take you places.

Something that I heard a lot throughout the movie was Ellis telling Andy multiple times that everyone in that jail was innocent when Andy would tell him he didn’t shoot his wife. It was like saying that everyone in that jail has never done anything they were not supposed to do, but we all know that it meant that people lie about what they may have or did not do just to get out of trouble. Just like how we lie every now and then to stay out of a punishment. But of course parents always know. I feel like if my parents were cops then they would be able to detect the liars quickly. I can never get away with anything in this house so I would like to see the cops try deputies mom and dad.

The thing I didn’t really like about this movie is that it went on forever. Not joking when I tell you that it was about 3 hours or longer! It was a good story at first but then all of a sudden it started getting a bit boring around the middle. As it neared the end it started becoming more interesting. If they were to shorten the time a bit and get rid of scenes that were not as important or entertaining then it would be more enjoyable. Plus I don’t recommend watching this movie late at night because it was kind of hard to concentrate when you were tired and the movie goes on for three hours. I definitely recommend people to watch this movie because it had a really interesting story and I definitely enjoyed it. Just make sure you have enough time to watch it.