Style Cravings: Fanny Packs?!

Style Cravings: Fanny Packs

Some of you probably looked up at the title and thought I was completely out of my mind…well I promise you I’m not so please bare with me. I’ve been looking back at a few runway pictures and styles and something that I saw reoccurring a few times were stylish fanny packs. This caught me by surprise because I never thought a fanny pack would ever get into style. When I think of fanny pack I see a male tourist wearing sunglasses, sunscreen on his nose, a striped polo, cargo shorts that go higher on his waist than supposed to which is held by a belt, high socks, sunburned skin despite the fact he has sunscreen on his nose, and of course a fanny pack that holds his camera and perhaps even tickets to a certain place. I always told myself I would never be that person who wore a fanny pack everywhere, at least that was till I saw a few of these cute little packs that can not only compliment an outfit, but it can even enhance it!

What I love about these Fanny Packs is that they don’t look like your typical fanny packs. These have cute little belts that hold the pack up instead of some ugly strap. Also the pack isn’t some odd shape that is kept in the front, these look like adorable wallets that are often put off to the side or dangling. I really wouldn’t mind wearing one of these fanny packs because they can conveniently hold things, can make an outfit look cuter, and you don’t have to worry about losing it or getting it stolen if it’s around your waist at all times. I really do hope these kind of fanny packs start coming into style and I start seeing them in stores because I will definitely jump up on this trend. The only thing I don’t like about the fanny pack is the name itself, it just sounds so weird. How about Style pack? Waist purse? I may need to work on a better name to call them.