Teen Fashion: Summer Lace Elegance

summer lace elegance ootd

summer lace elegance ootd

summer lace elegance ootd

The Bohemian style has been quite a popular look this summer. Every store I go into I end up seeing tribal like patterns, fringe, loose clothing, headbands that wrap around your forehead, and lots and lots of lace! I have always been a fan of clothes with cute little lace details because to me it screams girly. Just this spring I stocked up on some lace shorts for the summer because they were comfortable, good to keep cool, and super cute. Now lace isn’t only associated with the bohemian look, you can style it any way you want. It’s just that now with the bohemian look being in, it is easier to find clothing with lace on it.

I decided to style up my white lace shorts in a more elegant way this time. I took a nice light grey sheer top that is very simple but has a small lace detail around the neckline. Too much lace can over power so that’s why I had a simpler shirt with only a tiny bit of the lace accent at the top so that the look was simple yet elegant. I also paired it up with some white sandals which is perfect for the summer even though there have been a few times where I got really bad sandal tan lines. I also paired it up with a necklace that consist of white, black, and grey beads. These are fairly basic colors and not a lot going on but my mom always tells me that sometimes less is best. In this case the simplicity of the outfit is best and elegant at the same time.

It’s also a nice light outfit for the summer, especially when death comes knocking at your door in the form of 100 degree weather. When I went to take these photos I sat down on the concrete wall and my thighs were super red after the shoot because they were burning. It’s even worse when you have to sit in a car with leather because not only do your legs get burned, but your sweaty thighs start to uncomfortably stick to the blazing leather. I think the North Pole is starting to sound pretty good at this time of year, don’t you think?

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